Hertsmere Labour Party Hertsmere Constituency Labour Party & Hertsmere Borough Council Labour & Co-operative Group
Following criticism that the Labour Party has not being doing enough to eradicate antisemitism, it is launching a new education programme to help members and supporters confront bigotry.
Over the next few months it will be producing education materials on specific forms of racism and bigotry, starting with antisemitism.
Said Jeremy Corbyn: “Hatred towards Jewish people is rising in many parts of the world. Our party is not immune from that poison – and we must drive it out from our movement.”
“While other political parties and some of the media exaggerate and distort the scale of the problem in our party, we must face up to the unsettling truth that a small number of Labour members hold antisemitic views and a larger number don’t recognise antisemitic stereotypes and conspiracy theories.”
To view the material, please click here